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Reflexology, exploitation, authentication; it was an explicit demonstration of injustice and impediment. The inevitable voice of elder Johnson suddenly erupted with the glory and magnificence of a thousand galaxies. “Observe! For it shall happen in twenty-one days!” My fingers are fluttering with anticipation! The mere notion of seeing you makes my membrane quiver and pulsate wildly. Your alluring eyes adulate me in ways that is incommunicable. Your fulfilling smile is like a torch in a world of insanity. Your veneration, your enthrallment, how can you say it isn’t so?! She was nothing more than a snowflake; unique, beautiful, and multifarious at first, and like all the other snowflakes she melted away when I showed her my heart. I knew it would happen from the start, I didn’t care. Behold, for I am the sunshine master and commander-in-chief! My inane fortitude will flummox your undomesticated attitude! Hike up the kilt and call me asinine, I will not let your social democratic attitude impeach my brainpowers! We are fanatics, agnostics, and Humanitarian non-smokers seething at the baseline of idealism!

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